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What’s New on the Agenda? A Bird’s Eye View of MCF 2024


Quality, affordable benefits in the city of jazz – what’s not to love? 


We’re super stoked about Roundstone’s upcoming Medical Captive Forum this May in New Orleans. It’s a wonderful opportunity for employers and benefits advisors to come together and discover new ways to reduce the cost of healthcare benefits and enhance employee engagement and satisfaction 


The theme of this year’s MCF is the Big Easy Approach to Benefits: Quality, Affordable Healthcare Made Simple.  


Borrowing from the nickname coined for New Orleans by jazz musicians in the early 1900s, the conference theme is inspired by our mission to transform health insurance to be both employer and employee-friendly, where ease and satisfaction are the norm.  


MCF promises to be an exciting opportunity to network, learn, and engage with other like-minded companies in Roundstone’s self-funded stop-loss captive. You’ll hear success stories, learn tips to improve savings and plan utilization, and network with other employers and advisors. MCF is a must-attend event to make the most out of your self-funded health insurance plan. 


We listened to your feedback from last year’s MCF and made several tweaks and improvements to this year’s programming.  


More Networking 

You asked for smaller groups and more networking opportunities, so we designed panels and breakout sessions to be smaller, more intimate, and more personable to allow for that crucial one-on-one networking.  


More Case Studies 

You wanted more case studies, so our employer panels are designed to feature more success stories from like-minded employers who can share their self-funding journeys and lessons learned along the way.  


More Learning 

Our breakout sessions allow you to explore a variety of different topics related to self-funding and how to get the best value and care for your plan.  Here are some of the topics we’ll be covering: 


  • Self-Funding 101
  • Understanding Finances in a Captive
  • How to Optimize Your Plan Document
  • Proactive vs. Reactive Cost Containment
  • What to Expect When Onboarding
  • What Impacts My Rate at Renewal
  • Pharmacy Benefit Management
  • The Life Cycle of a Claim
  • Employee Engagement & Member Education
  • Digital Healthcare Solutions
  • Using Claims Data Effectively


More Levels of Learning 

You requested a tiered approach to education that accommodates all levels of understanding of the captive, so we broke off our breakout sessions into different tracks, from beginner to more experienced. You are free to choose your own adventure and alternate rooms with the level of expertise you are most comfortable with for each topic. 


More Personalized 

This event is designed for Roundstone Captive participants and benefits advisors – and we also welcome people and companies who are interested in learning more about self-funding in a medical group captive.  


  • If you are in the Roundstone Captive, you’ll have the opportunity to get to know the Roundstone team central to your plan, in day-to-day interactions as well as behind the scenes. You’ll meet our Regional Practice Leaders and relationship managers, our marketing and Cost Savings Investigator (CSI) teams, our underwriting, customer experience and finance departments. You’ll have an opportunity to ask the teams any questions and engage in conversation with the people who ensure your success. You’ll also get to meet with people from other companies like yours and share experiences and learn from each other.  
  • For the business owners, HR professionals, and Finance leaders who are new to captives and there to explore, you will get the valuable opportunity to learn what it’s all about before you begin your self-funding journey.  


More Expertise 

We’ll also have a dedicated expert room where you can get one-on-one time with the Roundstone team and our solution partners to answer your specific questions and issues.  


More Fun 

We will enjoy beaucoup fun in the city where fun is on parade. The MCF Welcome Reception will feature good food, spirited drinks, cool music, and great people to meet. 


We can’t wait to celebrate the Big Easy Approach to Benefits: Quality, Affordable Benefits Made Simple.  


Don’t sleep on MCFsee the agenda and register today! 


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Will we see you in the LAND for MCF 2025?

April 30 – May 1

Put group healthcare spend where it belongs: in your pockets! See how other employers have already saved by unpacking and rebundling their health plan. At MCF, we expose it all. We mean business — the registration is on us.