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Top 10 Podcasts for HR Professionals [And Why We Love Them]

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  • Listening to podcasts for HR professionals is a great way to learn industry trends and get inspiration for employee benefits improvements, especially when it comes to self-funded insurance.
  • Top podcasts cover industry news and trends and offer expert insights in an accessible format.
  • You can learn new tips, strategies, and ideas for employee health benefits by listening to high-quality HR-themed podcasts in addition to your regular resources.



Podcasts for HR professionals offer those in the industry a convenient, accessible way to get the latest news, trends, and ideas related to human resources topics, including self-funded health insurance. By listening to the top podcasts, you can get inspiration for new employee health benefits programs like self-insurance to implement at your company to boost employee satisfaction and improve performance.


How Industry Podcasts Can Inspire HR Professionals


As an HR professional, you constantly seek inspiration and new ideas to benefit your company employees. Among your top concerns are finding affordable employee health insurance and improving employee benefits packages to boost employee recruitment, performance, and engagement.


One of the best ways to gain inspiration is to listen to others’ stories. Psychology Today says stories are about communication, collaboration, and connection, and hearing them can trigger our imaginations. This helps us tap into innovation and creativity that we may not have accessed otherwise and can bring new ideas forward. When it comes to self-funded health insurance, we find that storytelling works best in explaining the benefits and how it can improve a company’s bottom line.


The top HR podcasts contain stories from industry professionals and innovators like our own Mike Schroeder. Listening to experts in the field tell their stories and share insights can inspire you and give you new ideas to implement in your HR department.


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Top 10 Podcasts for HR Professionals


There are numerous experienced individuals producing engaging content and offering professional advice for people in HR. Here are 10 of the best podcasts that can help your company’s employees reach their full potential.


1. HR Happy Hour

HR Happy Hour launched in 2009 and is the longest-running HR podcast on this list. Trish McFarlane and Steve Boese discuss multiple topics like workforce technology, leadership, and human resources. You can hear HR news on HR Happy Hour’s partner show, HR MarketWatch, and hear HR-based research on its Radical Research podcast.


Why we love it: Extensive collection of podcast episodes to enjoy and numerous partner shows available.


Recommended episode: Data shows that US Workers are Embracing Flexible Work Arrangements


2. Redefining HR

Redefining HR (formerly titled “21st Century HR”) is hosted by Lars Schmidt and focuses on a people-centric approach to HR and business-building. Lars talks to chief people officers, CHROs, heads of talent, and other professionals to get their take on how they’re reshaping the HR industry for the future. Topics include creating people-centric workplaces, prioritizing diversity, and navigating modern recruiting processes.


Why we love it: Explores real-life industry scenarios with a conversational format that is easy to follow.


Recommended episode: Ep 119: Modeling Work-Family Balance as an HR Leader with Maven Clinic SVP of People Karsten Vagner


3. #Worktrends With Meghan M. Biro

#Worktrends combines podcasting with Twitter chatting for a unique, modern podcast for HR professionals. Meghan hosts Twitter chats between 1:30 and 2:00 p.m. (EST), where she answers and discusses industry questions, talks to leading HR experts, and converses with HR tech vendors to share their inspiration. #Worktrends covers topics like the importance of background screening, productivity and prioritization, and balancing employee experience and security.


Why we love it: Regular industry-leading guest podcasters and a unique format.


Recommended episode: The Impacts of the Vaccine Mandates on the Workplace


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4. My HR Future with David Green

This HR-centric podcast is hosted by David Green. On the show, Green features several HR experts who use digital tools and data-driven strategies to improve their HR performance. This podcast is for you if you enjoy learning how new technologies and digital tools can help your HR department. Specific topics include leading hybrid teams after the pandemic, workforce planning, and organizational transformation.


Why we love it: Focuses on practical tips to use to support your HR team.


Recommended episode: Episode 113: How People Shape Data, and How Data Shapes People (Interview with Visier’s Ian Cook)


5. Punk Rock HR

Career advisor Laurie Ruettimann talks to peers and friends about the behind-the-scenes of work and HR. This podcast is a more laid-back approach to discussing work and how becoming your own HR can help you lead others.


Why we love it: Podcast comes with bonus episodes and links to a website with notes so you can dive deeper into topics.


Recommended episode: Creating a Psychologically Safe Workplace with Sara Martin


6. The Future of Work Podcast

Hosted by Jacob Morgan, The Future of Work is a fascinating, in-depth podcast that offers insights from several industry leaders. Guests have included CEOs from Netflix and Best Buy, authors like Seth Godin and Marshall Goldsmith, and other professionals like scientists and psychologists.


Why we love it: Well-researched content with plenty of actionable advice and a fun story-telling approach.


Recommended episode: How To Win The War For Talent By Focusing On Employee Experience


7. Working With People Podcast

Managers, executives, and HR leaders will enjoy the Working With People Podcast. This podcast brings together HR experts to share advice and stories on how to attract, retain, and manage your talent. Topics include developing managerial skills, engaging remote workers, and conducting performance management.


Why we love it: Concise, highly-focused discussion applicable for both seasoned managers and industry new-comers.


Recommended episode: Episode 86: The Importance Of Employee Development Programs


8. HR Works: The Podcast for Human Resources

Produced by the HR Daily Advisor, HR Works provides direct and actionable information for HR professionals looking to effect change in their organizations. This podcast has over 288 episodes chock full of discussions relevant to the HR industry, including improving corporate culture and beating burnout.


Why we love it: Relatable guests and engaging conversations.


Recommended episode: Episode 194: The Right Balance of Benefits in a Tight Labor Market


9. HR Leaders

On HR Leaders, Chris Rainey talks to HR executives and experts from popular brands about the future of work. This podcast feels more like a radio show as Chris hosts his LinkedIn Live sessions to dive into how organizations are changing and keeping up with the modern workforce.


Why we love it: Informal yet informative format; comes with time-tagged sections so you can jump ahead to your favorite part.


Recommended episode: The Top 3 No-Cost Solutions to Improve Employee Engagement


10. DriveThruHR

DriveThruHR offers accessible, easily digestible content for HR professionals. The shows are 30 minutes long, perfect for listening on a short car ride or lunch break. The show’s hosts, Mike VanDervort, Robin Schooling, TheOneCrystal, and Dwane Lay, have been discussing HR technology and organizational culture since 2010. Topics covered include the current state of nursing, conscious capitalism, and psychological safety at work.


Why we love it: Broad topic coverage and enjoyable bite-sized episodes perfect for a commute.


Recommended episode: Stop Wasting Money on Ineffective Training Programs w/Juliana Stancampiano


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Having an Innovative Mindset About Employee Benefits


Listening to top podcasts for HR professionals can give you new, out-of-the-box ideas like self-insurance for your employee benefits program. One idea to explore is a self-funded health insurance plan for greater flexibility, better benefits, and bigger cost savings — all of which help your organization attract and retain top talent.


Our self-funded health insurance allows you to build your employee benefits package from the bottom up to offer better care and lower healthcare costs for your business.


Contact Roundstone today to discover how self-funded group captive insurance can benefit your employees and save your HR department thousands.




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