Thanks to all who attended Roundstone’s virtual Medical Captive Forum. Nearly a thousand people registered to learn more about self-funded solutions for quality and affordable group health insurance. Roundstone President Mike Schroeder kicked off the day by welcoming attendees from all over the country: owners of small and mid-sized business; CFOs, CEOs, and HR leaders; forward-thinking insurance advisors looking for better ways to deliver better group health insurance benefits to their clients, and solution provider partners across the healthcare ecosystem.
When the forum was started 7 years ago, the objective was to create an educational event to share ways to leverage data, deliver transparency, and encourage employees to be smarter consumers of healthcare. We’ve remained true to this mission as you can see by the relevant agenda presented for MCF 2021.
Our aim this year was to raise the game. And raise it we did! We’re delighted at the response and feedback that we received.
Whether you missed out or wanted to experience some or all of the event again, here’s a run-down of the Medical Captive Forum as well as access to on-demand videos of the sessions.
Navigating the Self Funded Journey for Group Health Insurance
Every year, Roundstone looks to include real experiences from our customers who have chosen to make the switch to a self-funded group health insurance plan. This year’s panel focused on the journey to self-funding – what it’s like at the very beginning and what to expect after your first year and beyond. The conversation, moderated by Phil M Jones, our keynote speaker all the way from the UK, was exceptional. Each employer was paired with his advisor, to give insights on the nature of that relationship, and to offer their unique perspectives.

Employers and advisors discuss their self funded journey with moderator Phil M Jones
Dave Richins, CEO of United Food Bank and his advisor Jentry Harris of the Mahoning Group were joined virtually by Jared Means, HR Manager of F.H. Furr and his advisor Jay Booth of Capital Group Benefits. Jones led a spirited conversation getting to the heart of the employer experience. Richins, who’s been on a self-funded plan less than a year, gave insight on his journey to a medical captive group health insurance solution and the improvements in quality of care he and his employees have already been able to access. Means has been part of a captive for two years, and shared insight on the cost savings he’s realized. We could not has asked for a better discussion to set the tone – and the bar – high for the day!
Overcoming Obstacles

Rob Hamilton, Dave Chase, and Dr. Eric Bricker break down the obstacles to lowering healthcare costs
Next up Rob Hamilton, Roundstone’s EVP Sales, shifted our attention to the future of group health insurance. Joined by author and Health Rosetta Founder Dave Chase and AHealthcareZ Founder Dr. Eric Bricker, Rob questioned these experts about overcoming structural obstacles and organizational barriers to capitalize on solutions in the group health insurance market. They also discussed the “mindset shift” required to be open to new and innovative ideas, and the part that self-funded captives play in the marketplace. Neither gentleman held back on opinions and insights – it is a must-watch episode of the MCF 2021.
Breakouts Focus on Cost Containment Strategies
MCF 2021 featured virtual breakout sessions, with tracks geared toward employers and advisors. For advisors, the focus was managing high-cost drugs and catastrophic diagnoses. Roundstone Cost Containment Specialist Nate Szabo was joined by Pharmacy Benefits Manager Southern Scripts and AscellaHealth, and Interlink Healthcare for the strategies, tools and data that can be leveraged to be proactive and save costs – while putting the patient’s care first.
For employers looking to switch to self funded group health insurance, we presented “How to Take Advantage of Self Funding.” The experienced Roundstone team shared insight on the tools, data, and resources available to self-funded medical group captive members. The Employer track also included “Employee Communications Best Practices,” moderated by Jasmine Bibb, Director of Customer Experience at Roundstone and featuring Auxiant.
Health Insurance Q&A at Roundtables
This year’s MCF brought the traditional face-to-face roundtable discussion virtual. Attendees interacted with experts and asked their questions in real-time, leading to in-depth conversations on cost containment, data transparency, and employee engagement.
Controlling Costs with Plan Design and Documents dug into a detailed Q&A with Roundstone Head Underwriter Sue Russo and General Counsel Chris Zirke. They got into just how plan design works to protect employers and members on a group health insurance plan, and pointed out which documents make certain that your plan works for you. Data Transparency and the CSI Dashboard welcomed Deerwalk to answer questions and offer useful tips on how to use the data available in the CSI Dashboard. Cost containment solutions and beyond–that data should work for you! Innovative Ideas and Incentives for Employee Engagement walked through ideas and strategy for getting employees engaged in their group health insurance plans. Is a corporate challenge or company 5k up next for your workplace?
Navigating Change
The MCF’s ending keynote was an engaging one–with the rapid changes that have taken place over the last year, there’s a lot to think about in terms of how adapt as businesses, but also as people. Phil Jones returned to the mainstage to tie the day’s themes together in his keynote: Exactly What to Say – Navigating Change. This powerful address engaged listeners and encouraged them to take steps forward in navigating the post-COVID world and markets.
We’re still digesting the impactful conversations we witnessed, as well as the important points raised throughout the day about what it’s going to take to keep raising the game for the future. It’s abundantly clear that our mission of bringing about affordable health insurance for all is strengthened by giving employers back the tools they need to succeed. Choice. Transparency. Cost containment. The MCF is an invaluable experience to learn about options in the marketplace for small to mid-sized businesses–and on-demand videos for the entire day can be found below. Thank you for attending, for inviting people in your network, and for your earnest participation in the day’s events.