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Roundstone Brings Transparency to a New Level

Roundstone Transparency Blog

Roundstone’s medical stop loss captive delivers employers transparency, control, and cost savings. To maximize the value of these benefits, Roundstone is providing employers an integrated analytics platform. We spent considerable time searching for the best analytics vendor in the market. 

The search is over and implementation has started. The Roundstone analytics platform will provide even more value to our partners, enabling them to truly capitalize on the transparency, control, and cost savings of the Roundstone program.

The Roundstone analytics platform powered by Deerwalk is currently in the early stages of the implementation process. Deerwalk is a revolutionary healthcare analytics software company providing products and services to most third-party administrators, consultants, employers, providers, and now, Roundstone captive participants. The Deerwalk software provides meaningful insights to better manage and analyze the cost, care quality, and health population management through a variety of data reporting features.

The Roundstone partner access will become available for a variety of data rich reports once the implementation process is complete. We are busy working with Deerwalk to get the data and reporting portal up and running. While the implementation process is in the very early stages, Roundstone expects a great user experience. Stay tuned for more information about the upcoming release of the Roundstone analytics platform powered by Deerwalk.


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