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Captive Essentials: Learn the Basics of Self-Funding in a Group Captive


The times they are a changing. 


Ten years ago, our sales reps would get asked: “Hey, tell me about this captive thing.” 


Now they hear: “How is your captive different from all the rest?” 


The market for group captives in self-funded health insurance solutions has clearly evolved. Captives have grown extremely popular as employers increasingly grapple with skyrocketing healthcare costs. 


Take a look at Exhibit A: Roundstone’s consistent nearly 30% year-over-year growth rate the last several years. We’re on an upward trajectory as the Group Captive we pioneered in 2005 for self-funded benefits grows wings.  


In the early years, our Founder and President Mike Schroeder likened himself to a street-corner evangelist. He’d preach the benefits of a group captive on a soapbox and nobody would listen. The market wasn’t in enough pain.  


Then healthcare reform passed, insurance premiums escalated out of control, and employers felt real heat. Now Mike’s on the radio and people can’t get enough. 


In our latest Captive Essentials Webinar Series, we address these questions head-on: 

  • What is a captive and how does it work? 
  • Why all captives are not created equal: how does Roundstone’s Captive compare? 


Both sessions are now available on demand: 




These discussions are ideal for employers exploring options for group health insurance, and benefits advisors looking to better serve your clients. 


What you’ll learn: 

  • How self-funding in a captive compares to being purely self-funded, fully-insured, or level-funded. 
  • Effective cost containment strategies. 
  • What to look for in a Captive Manager.   
  • Why Roundstone has the lowest fixed costs and collateral in the industry. 
  • Why Roundstone has the highest return fund and refunds more dollars than any other captive. 
  • Roundstone’s unique approach to cash distributions of unused claim spend.
  • How the captive funding model helps employers deliver great, flexible benefits at a price they can afford. 


The webinars feature Roundstone experts and a benefits advisor, including:  

  • Mike Schroeder, Roundstone’s Founder and President 
  • Rob Hamilton, Roundstone’s Executive V.P. of Sales 
  • Jasmine Bibb, Roundstone’s V.P. of Customer Success 
  • Pete Dalpiaz, Roundstone Regional Practice Leader 
  • Ben Rowland, INSURICA Employee Benefits Producer 


We hope you enjoy and learn something new.  


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