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2019 Roundstone Medical Captive Forum Recap

2019 MCF Recap Blog Article


By: Alice Sabo, Marketing Manager



This past May, Roundstone hosted its annual Medical Captive Forum (MCF) at the Global Center for Health Innovation in downtown Cleveland, Ohio. This year, over 300 attendants came together to explore innovative healthcare solutions. The premier educational event—open to small-to-middle market employers and their benefits advisors—provided attendees with the information necessary to implement health insurance cost-saving strategies like a Fortune 500 company.


“We pay every nickel we need to toward getting our employees the very best possible care, but not a nickel more than that.” – CEO of Publishing Company


Captive Participant Meeting


This year’s two-day MCF kicked off with our Captive Participant Meeting. Employers currently enrolled in one of Roundstone’s group medical captives, along with their trusted advisors, came together to discuss the path to cost-effective, quality health care.


Incredibly, the attending employers saved over a combined $13 million in healthcare costs with Roundstone compared to what they would have paid if they remained with their previous health insurer. This is a reflection of how Roundstone helps employers manage their employee benefit program with employee satisfaction and savings at the forefront.


Roundstone continued its commitment to transparency by introducing the highly anticipated CSI Dashboard. This unique data-driven tool provides Roundstone’s captive participants and their benefits advisors with claims metrics—offering the transparency necessary to make cost-saving health care decisions.


The Captive Participant Meeting concluded with engaging roundtable sessions featuring topics chosen by the attendees. A few of the roundtable topics included interpreting monthly claims reports, implementing well-being incentive strategies and saving on specialty pharmaceuticals. Many roundtable sessions were so popular that our tables were overflowing with participants! The Captive Participant Meeting will offer a similar format moving forward, so be sure to implement the Roundstone solution before next year so your group can receive exclusive and personalized cost containment strategies.


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